
Expert level for secondary professions

Expert level for secondary professions. To get from level 150 to 225, one must acquire an expert license.  For this bracket, one has to purchase a book to gain the expertise.  The locations of the vendors is sometimes troublesome, but not that bad.  The following is for the Alliance. Prices below are for characters with zero reputation discounts.  The prices are lower by 10% or more for higher reputation brackets. First Aid: Where : Eastern Kingdoms, Arathi Highlands, Stromgard Keep, coordinates (27.0, 58.8).  Approach from the west.  On the east side of the main entrance road are dozens of Defias warlocks and rogues.  Your cloaking skills might not be sufficient.  The vendor you are looking for is Deneb Walker . The cost of the book ("Expert First Aid--Under Wraps") is 1 gold when you buy direct.  I have seen the book at the Auction House, but the cost is more than 1 gold.  The lowest I have ever seen was 1 gold, 65 silver.  The relevant reputation is with Stormw